Success Story | Major Honeycutt


Akron, Ohio

Major, the adorable five year old basset hound started the new year in a new home. This sweet lil' guy won the hearts of Sarah and Todd who adopted him last week. He waddled into a hound-friendly home and has made instant friends with everyone!

Major stealing hearts everywhere he goes!

Major charmed his way into a "Hound Home" in that his owners are basset hounds fans. Sarah grew up with two hounds named Chelsea (basset) and Jacob (basset/shepherd). Over the years, Sarah has cared for many hounds like Eli (beagle) and Romeo (basset). Likewise, her parents have also cared for three bassets Harley, Chloe and Allie. Sarah summed up her family's love of the breed by saying, "We are a big basset hound family!"  

Sarah and Todd lost their beloved basset hound, Romeo, just over a year ago. "It broke my heart when he got sick last year and even with all the vet visits and medications and tender love and care, his body just couldn't hold on any more," Sarah explained. "Romeo was my little shadow," Sarah recalled. She said that Romeo was the basset hound that made Todd a fan of the breed as well. Sarah explained her love of basset hounds by saying, "The long ears, sad eyes and their extreme loyalty. Jacob and Romeo both really solidified my love for the short legged, long bodied bassets or Bappets as my dad called them." 

Major working his "basset magic" and winning over his new human dad, Todd!

Major was greeted by his new family members Eli, Ruff and Delilah. Eli is a ten year old beagle. Ruff is an eight year old shepherd mix. Delilah is a 16 year old tabby cat. Sarah explained that Ruff was very excited to meet Major and wanted to play with him almost immediately and said, "Part of me thinks that he thought Major was Romeo. He played with Romeo a lot." 

Major took his seat at the table. Perhaps he thought it was his throne?

We would like to congratulate both Sarah and Todd on the adoption of Major. We are thankful that they opened their hearts and home to a basset in need. We look forward to hearing more stories of your adventures together and best of luck with the wedding planning! 

Editor's Note: Todd and Sarah are planning their wedding. Wouldn't Major make a handsome ring-bearer? Hmmm!


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