Success Story - Hank



Hank the handsome four-year-old basset mix was adopted by Sallyann and her family. Hank traveled from the Buckeye State all the way to Keystone State.  Sallyann reported that Hank was somewhat timid and anxious when meeting new people on the street. Sallyann said, "We live in the city. I'm pretty sure he was a country boy." Hank was startled by the new sounds of the city, such as passing buses, but has acclimated to the new sounds. After a few days, Hank adjusted to the family's routine and even anticipated when they would return. Sallyann commented on Hank's behavior when a family member returned home from work, “He heard Dan in the vestibule getting ready to open the door and started barking and doing play bows. His tail was wagging so hard that his butt started moving and he came close to tipping himself over.

Happy Gotcha Day Hank!

Hank instantly attached himself to Sallyann’s daughters, particularly her eldest. In fact, his dog bed is placed right next to her side of the bed. Sallyann’s eldest daughter, who is five, has given Hank the new name “Hank Ocean”. Apparently, she felt Hank was a tad “boring” and felt “Ocean” would make a better name. Sallyann explained that the name stems from her daughter’s favorite movie “
Moana” which centers around a girl to whom the ocean is a friend. Sallyann said, “We started playing with it and out came "Hank Ocean", which we realized was a great homage to the singer Frank Ocean... and thus a star was born!

(Hank) Ocean and his Friend! ♥
Hank makes the second basset-mix for Sallyann’s family. The have owned beagles and basset-beagle mixes in the past. They have rescued a beagle-bluetick mix named Aldo, a beagle named Pearl and a basset-beagle named Fred. The family lost Fred this fall so Hank becomes the family’s only pet. Hank has been socializing with other dogs in the community, “We live in a very dog-centric neighborhood,” said Sallyann. “We have several dog parks within a few minutes drive that we intend to introduce him to in the next couple of weeks, but we wanted to make sure he was settling in and would "come when called" (working on that!) before we ventured out there. I am pretty sure that he will be thrilled to get some big off-leash time in open areas and will do great with the other dogs.”

Hank Ocean having fun exploring his new yard.

Hank has three favorite hobbies: following his family, playing with his toys and chasing squirrels. Hank follows his family members around the house and tries to stay close to them often leaning on them. Hank loves his toys as Sallyann described, “Hank inherited a basket of toys, but yesterday his "Grandma Mary" (a friend who works with rescues and shelter pups in Kentucky) sent an enormous box from with a new blue dog that he loves!” He has taken some of the girls stuffed animals from their room because he thought they were his toys. Sallyann said, “We've had one or two minor incidents where he decided to take fluffy things from the girls' room (one stuffed rabbit and one fuzzy unicorn slipper) but he is non-destructive with them and just carries them around, so it hasn't created chaos.” Lastly, Hank enjoys chasing squirrels when possible. Sallyann walks Hank on a leash so the leash limits his ability to “fully chase” the squirrels, but Hank tried to tree a squirrel during a recent walk. Sallyann commented on Hank’s squirrel obsession by saying, “Walking with him sometimes reminds me of the dogs in the animated movie "Up" ---- completely normal conversation and then out of seemingly nowhere, SQUIRREL!"

Sallyann expressed her appreciation of the basset hound breed, “We love the combination of perceived mellowness (note that I said perceived), the quirkiness and goofiness, the STUBBORNNESS, and yet their amazing energy and grace when they are given the space and exercise that they really want and need. In our experience, both bassets and beagles have been amazing family dogs (important with small kids), and intensely loyal. And their general character as non-aggressive with people has also been important to us as city-dwellers who encounter people constantly. As for the basset-beagle mix, Sallyann said, “We are a big fan of mixed-breeds and their quirkiness, which is also what drew us to Hank!”

Hank Ocean protecting "his pack" 

Many volunteers with BBHR have speculated on Hank’s lineage because he doesn’t look like the typical Bagle, or basset-beagle mix we have encountered. One volunteer created a poll on our Facebook Page that asked members to guess Hank’s breed mixture. An anonymous donor paid to have his DNA tested (results pending). When asked about Hank’s breed, Sallyann commented, “We have been discussing this a lot! We are thinking that he's a big ole hybrid: about 50% basset (pretty obvious), and the rest a mix of beagle (some size and ear shaping difference from basset that is clearly more beagle) and the MYSTERY breed which, I am going to venture is some variety of pit bull/American stattfordshire terrier/mastiff based on his head shape. size and his shoulders and hips. I just can't quite see how he could be just basset and beagle. But, regardless of what he is in his DNA, he is clearly completely comprised of love and is part of our family. We can't wait for our many adventures with him, and we have been thrilled by what an easy car-rider he is! (which means he gets to go on beach vacations with us!)”

“Thank you again!” from Sallyann & her Family

Congratulations to Sallyann and her family and Happy Gotcha Day to Hank Ocean! We can't wait to here about your many adventures!


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